Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Way To Success; Discover And Harness Your Passion

Successful entrepreneurs have a mind set unlike others, but one thing that they have that is critical to their business venture ideas that becomes their million dollar ideas, and in creating successful business for themselves, they have PASSION!
Similar to lust and love, sometimes I believe we can get a bit confused with which is which, and it is not until we feel true love do we understand what it is. For example, in those younger years and thought to be in love only to find out many years later that all we were doing was living a state of lust during those premature dating years. Passion is similar, where you don't really understand it until we uncover it. I use the term uncover, mostly because we all have something we are passionate about lying deep within us, the problem is most of us just haven't unleashed it. We tend to never take the time to "stop and smell the roses" in our overwhelming day-to-day lives. We are in a world where we have to go, go, go, especially as entrepreneurial mothers, trust me I completely understand. It is not until we are in a situation that forces us to uncover or rediscover that passion (because we got so busy we stopped doing the things that brought us joy). These situations that cause us to pause and reflect sometimes happen forcefully. By forcefully I mean, we did not intend to manifest a situation that causes our lives to seem in that moment out of balance, possibly even create some chaos in our lives. This is why I believe in many cases when we go through difficult times, these situations are simply signs from the Universe telling us to slow down, and take notice of what is before us. When we take notice of these manifested circumstances our perspective on them changes, and we do not see them as difficult times, but more along the lines of simply lessons and awakenings that we must pay attention to (this is my new perspective after having experienced the latter). I believe, and from my personal experience if we do not take the time to learn and pay attention to these circumstances that we attract we tend to see them as bad times, or bad luck, and we begin to throw ourselves into a spiral of depression screaming "why, why me", making it much harder to see what the Universe is intending to show us – which is a good thing if we choose to change our perspective.
We are all born to be the best that we can be. We are all born to live lives filled with joy, passion and love, living fulfilling and amazing life experiences. This is our mission in life, and that is absolute!

Without heart, there can be no passion, no enthusiasm, no feeling of energy and no charisma.  A leader high on heart and emotional intelligence breeds victory.  A disheartened leader, doubtful and stressed, manifests loss.
– John J. Murphy, Leading with Passion

For a long time I thought I was following my passion, until one day I had that "aha" moment when I realized that as my role in my life had changed over the course of time, these changes were simply leading me towards uncovering my true passion. I kept resisting by simply ignoring the signs, and thought stubbornly to myself, I am passionate about my business, I have to be, I built it from nothing. Now just to be clear, I was passionate about the business I had started, but it wasn't the business itself, it was the things I was doing in my business. You see, I realized I was passionate about starting a business and that whole process of building something out of nothing, and making it successful, which I did. I was passionate about working with people, and creating partnerships and great professional relationships, helping them to grow their ideas and businesses. I was passionate about many of the things I was doing; I just needed to find a way to incorporate these elements into other avenues that allowed me to further express my passion.
So one day, I realized, I have chosen to be a mother, that is my role, the most important role I have, and I want to be a great mother, I want to be there for my children emotionally and physically whenever they need me. In that moment, I realized that my greatest passion in my current life was in being a mother. I continued to list all the elements that I also felt passionate about which forced me to begin connecting the dots. Why not blend being a mother with the business world, and this is when I began to have successful business ideas, these were unique business ideas that started to come to me readily. It was like once I connected the dots, and accepted my role as a mother as being a passion of mine, it all made sense. It's similar to people who have hobbies, and say "well it's just my hobby, I couldn't make a living doing this", but the reality is you could if it was your passion, it is what you are meant to be doing, begin to monetize it!

I feel I fought myself on discovering my passion for quite some time, and it was only because I allowed my ego to get in the way of this uncovering. I didn't want to believe that being a mother could possibly be a passion, and least of all something I could somehow blend with my business world. But once I did make this realization some great entrepreneurial ideas where unleashed and all these innovative business ideas began to flourish. I (or my ego) wanted to believe that the business I was running was my passion, but it wasn't, although there were many elements that I was doing that were inline with my passion, I had to take the time to dissect it and uncover some amazing insights into who I was.

What led me to this "aha" moment, was simply realizing that I was unhappy, I wasn't as successful as I imagined myself to be, I felt unfulfilled, I felt under valued, I knew I had so much more potential in me, and I wanted to feel amazing.

What you are thunders so loudly that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary.– Ralph Waldo Emerson.

I remember listening to the radio one day, and they were interviewing the infamous Snoop Lion aka Snoop Dog. They asked him what he believed the purpose to life was; I was expecting everything but the response he gave. He responded: "to use the gifts God gave us"! Brilliantly spoken! It is up to us to uncover these gifts and use them, so that we can live fulfilling lives, as we were meant to and inspire other along our journeys.

Your next step is to uncover your gifts, and once you do, you will uncover your passion, and you will absolutely be one step closer to creating the life of your dreams. It is important to follow your passion, because it can take you where you never thought you would go. When you walk in the path of least resistance you can amount to great things, and affect those around you to create positive changes in their lives as well.  Be true to your passion, experience it, Live it and always be true to what you Love to do, because you will always be successful when you follow you heart.

Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least. – Johann wolfgang von Goethe

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